===== QUT Workshop Report - 28 July ===== __This workshop was facilitated by:__ Daniel, Rozina, and Mick __Workshop Date:__ 2021-07-28 __Workshop Location:__ Aud2 & Clean Lab __How many Designed Things were sent into The Well?__ 0 __Notes regarding Thing Submission__ __List the Imagined Things number or name__ na __What did you think was successful about the workshop?__ introduced crew to what they will be working on over the coming months. __What did you learn about the workshop?__ * there is lots of information to get across and only so much that people can take in. * Students bring concerns about how they will fair academically out of their participation which also limits how much they can take in __Can you note any ideas for future implementation?__ * Maybe refer to students as a "crew/team". They have a different role in this project to their usual role. This places everyone on a //level playing field// - primary, secondary, tertiary students, community participants and facilitators are all here to learn and contribute collaboratively to the project. * Need to remember to stop 20 minutes prior to document the progress __Are there any immediate actions arising from this workshop?__ * students given homework to explore the well and come to the next session with ideas to contribute * students asked to decide on a geometric shape and concept for their Spirit of the Rumpus wild and come ready to create at the next session * pre-roll some paper ahead of next week's workshop __Can you share any memorable moments or quotes from participants?__ * some crew members enjoying the things in the well * some crew members very quiet but engaging in experimentation with materials __What was/were your favourite Designed Thing/s from the workshop?__ Did you capture any images, audio or video to share from the workshop? (optional)