**HERE LIES THE ENTRY FOR A DESIGNED THING** ^ Full Name: Hyunjoo | ^ Provide the link or name of the Imagined Thing from The Well you are responding to?: | #67. Glitch: https://wiki.slq.qld.gov.au/doku.php?id=engagement:grumpus:grumpuslandonline:rrldev:thewell:imaginedthing67 & #69. The Great Darkness: https://wiki.slq.qld.gov.au/doku.php?id=engagement:grumpus:grumpuslandonline:rrldev:thewell:imaginedthing69 | ^ What is different about your idea from the original Imagined Thing?: | We have expanded the glitch idea and invasive fungi part respectively. | ^ What is similar or inspired by the Imagined Thing: | These special-effect / sculptural concepts are being conjoined to form an immersive, forest environment imagery of mushroom and mycelium with glitch effect. | ^ Provide a brief update on your progress: | In Digital Fabrication Team, I have assisted in the mushroom’s prototype making process by vectorising the shapes in PDF (exported from SketchUp) into AI file; this optimised the laser cutting process. In Projection Team, I have experimented with After Effects animation to come up with the initial floor projection: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JyeoS1Wn9XNZCeMBoywEqqMNDAS1z0Qz/view?usp=sharing | ^ What new thing did you learn as part of the process: | I have gained basic understanding of preparing vector document for laser cutting, as well as using After Effects & MadMapper. | ---- Your files can be found here: {{:@@Upload your file@@}} {{:@@Upload your file@@}} {{:@@Upload your file@@}} {{:@@Upload your file@@}} ---- This is the unique QR code for this Designed Thing. Right click it to save then share it, so you and others can find your way back to here to this point of The Well. {{QRCODE>https://wiki.slq.qld.gov.au/doku.php?id=engagement:grumpus:grumpuslandonline:rrldev:thewell:designedthing@@?@@}} ---- **IT IS KNOWN! HUZZAH FOR THE GREAT & GRAND RUMPUS!**