**HERE LIES THE ENTRY FOR A DESIGNED THING** ^ Full Name:| Elise | ^ Provide the link or name of the Imagined Thing from The Well you are responding to?:| @@Provide the link to the Imagined Thing from The Well you are responding to?@@ | ^ What is different about your idea from the original Imagined Thing?:| My design is not entirely based off of the exact drawing the child drew, the design tells the story that the child told about their drawing. | ^ What is similar or inspired by the Imagined Thing:| It is inspired by the story the child told and is still a cow like the child drew | ^ Provide a brief update on your progress:| I have sketched and made a cardboard prototype, my design has been chosen to be used in the great and grand rumpus so I have started to redesign some aspects and think about how it will be made in such a large scale. | ^ What new thing did you learn as part of the process:| I learned how to work with cardboard. I have used cardboard before, but doing this prototype has helped me to see the capabilities of cardboard. | ---- Your files can be found here: {{:@@Upload your file@@}} {{:@@Upload your file@@}} {{:@@Upload your file@@}} {{:@@Upload your file@@}} ---- This is the unique QR code for this Designed Thing. Right click it to save then share it, so you and others can find your way back to here to this point of The Well. {{QRCODE>https://wiki.slq.qld.gov.au/doku.php?id=engagement:grumpus:grumpuslandonline:rrldev:thewell:designedthing@@?@@}} ---- **IT IS KNOWN! HUZZAH FOR THE GREAT & GRAND RUMPUS!**