======69. The Great Darkness - Chosen Thing====== **HERE LIES THE ENTRY FOR AN IMAGINED THING** This is a thing imagined by Jasmine, aged , on Thursday July 8 The full name of this thing is: The Great Darkness It can be found in: The Black Forests (the dark part) It is known that: They came to be when a drought killed a lot of livestock and a farmer had one wish. He wished for his cattle to come back to life. Unfortunately, this meant that the skeletons came back to life. They moved to the forest when the farmer abandoned them, and fungi began to grow on them. Their skills differ, so do the colour of the fur and the types of fungi. This thing has three important features: The fungi growing on its back, Green fur all over their body , and Its black, tree-stump like legs ---- An image of The Great Darkness can be found here: {{:engagement:grumpus:grumpuslandonline:rrldev:thewell:imaginedthing69:8-07-202114-10-15.008.jpg|400}} ---- This is the unique QR code for this Imagined Thing. Right click it to save then share it, so you and others can find your way back to here to this point of The Well. {{QRCODE>https://wiki.slq.qld.gov.au/doku.php?id=engagement:grumpus:grumpuslandonline:rrldev:thewell:imaginedthing69}} ---- **IT IS KNOWN! HUZZAH FOR THE GREAT & GRAND RUMPUS!**