=====43. Frankenstein===== **HERE LIES THE ENTRY FOR AN IMAGINED THING** This is a thing imagined by Azaria, aged 8, on Wednesday May 12 The full name of this thing is: Frankenstein It can be found in: Klafornya It is known that: once upon a time there was a monster called frankenstein and he would always play with his friends everyday he whold never missed a day with his friends but one day his friends missed a day so he went friends house and didnt believe it his friends were playing with each other ---- An image of Frankenstein can be found here: {{:engagement:grumpus:grumpuslandonline:rrldev:thewell:imaginedthing43:grumpus_lightbox_web_ready-072.jpg|400}} {{:engagement:grumpus:grumpuslandonline:rrldev:thewell:imaginedthing43:grumpus_lightbox_web_ready-071.jpg|400}} {{:engagement:grumpus:grumpuslandonline:rrldev:thewell:imaginedthing43:grumpus_lightbox_web_ready-070.jpg|400}} {{:engagement:grumpus:grumpuslandonline:rrldev:thewell:imaginedthing43:grumpus_lightbox_web_ready-069.jpg|400}} {{:engagement:grumpus:grumpuslandonline:rrldev:thewell:imaginedthing43:grumpus_lightbox_web_ready-008.jpg|400}} ---- A recording Frankenstein can be found here: {{:engagement:grumpus:grumpuslandonline:rrldev:thewell:imaginedthing43:azariah_3b.mp3|400}} ---- This is the unique QR code for this Imagined Thing. Right click it to save then share it, so you and others can find your way back to here to this point of The Well. {{QRCODE>https://wiki.slq.qld.gov.au/doku.php?id=engagement:grumpus:grumpuslandonline:rrldev:thewell:imaginedthing43}} ---- **IT IS KNOWN! HUZZAH FOR THE GREAT & GRAND RUMPUS!**