====== A PORTAL FOR DESIGNED THINGS ====== Tell your story to The Great & Grand Rumpus Portal! Yes....it's the form below.
action template thing_tpl engagement:grumpus:grumpuslandonline:rrldev:thewell:designed thing : : thanks "Thankyou for submitting your thing to The Well. It is splendid and will live forever. To find your thing in The Well you can scan use the unique QR code that has been assigned to it." action mail thom.browning@slq.qld.gov.au applied.creativity@slq.qld.gov.au subject "Incoming Designed Thing" hiddenautoinc "1" @ yesno! "I or my parent/carer has completed the permission forms provided" ! yesno! "I understand that my content is being shared under a Creative Commons agreement" "=Yes" "!No" /Yes/ "** " fieldset "About you..." textbox "First Name" textbox "Last Name" textbox "Suburb/City where you live" email "Contact Email" ! textbox "Contact Phone Number" fieldset "Tell us what you are working on" textbox "The Imagined Thing from The Well you are responding to?" fieldset "Audio, Video and Image Upload" file "Upload your image file" ! file "Upload your audio file" ! fieldset "" fieldset "" fieldset "" submit "Submit your Designed Thing through The Portal to The Well"