======The Assumed Origin of the Rainea Entity====== There are many, many different assumed origins of the Rainea Rainbow entity. It has been theorised that it may be of extraterrestrial origin, coming to earth from a distant star. This theory is questionable at best and quite ridiculous at worst as it assumes that colours are the same everywhere and everywhere has rainbows. Personally, am of the esteemed opinion that rainbows originate from Earth and uniquely created by sub atomic rumbling emanating from beyond human understanding. That's just me though but the Mouse tends to agree. Others have suggested that the Rainea is ancient, the last of a long lost, prehistoric culture of colour based lifeforms that latch onto humans subjects to anchor them into this existence. This is a frightening prospect, as it suggests this has been happening forever and we're only just recognising this situation now! I mean, surely we would have all seen a giant rainbow creature attached to a four year old!?! Maybe it can't always be seen? Maybe it is a colour from out of space and we're only seeing a part of it. More investigation is required. --Add your Name here: See Also: * [[engagement:grumpus:bookwriting:Rainea_escape|The Incident on Rainea escape in Far North Queensland ]] * [[engagement:grumpus:bookwriting:Rainea_eating| The Eating habits of the Rainea entity]] * [[engagement:grumpus:bookwriting:Rainea_historical|Historical reference to the Rainea through history]] -- Grumpus of Nowhere Cited in: {{backlinks>.}} This is a [[engagement:grumpus:bookwriting:index|Grumpus Story]]