~~DISCUSSION~~ ======Fun Palace Regional Professional Development====== ===Description of Sub Project=== ===VideoConference Session === 27 Sept 2018 We ran a 1hr session with the 4 Library workers from Logan, Diamantina, Mackay and the Sunshine Coast Library Services ==Agenda== Welcome Summarize Agenda. Program Principles • Background – how FP came to the edge with limited budget and lead time (SLQ venues booked, Strategic Partnership Team over capacity) • One Library realignment • Limited Budget and lead time Edge priorities • Investing capacity building • Modular program • Community Contributions • Dimensions of Quality - Science & Art activities of substance • Wiki Documentation What is the Wiki? Organising Regional Facilitators access to wiki Choose an activity * Steam Punk LED (Laura) * Fear of Small Screens * Cardboard Claw * Thermocolour T-Shirts Actions from here * SLQ patron Account * Check Out activities. * Phone and email support for prep * Run thrus when you arrive * Reflections and comments during and after process **Actions** * Mick to send through list of workshops to Regional Facilitators. * Michelle to send through proposed itineraries * Regional Facilitators to register for State Library Patron Account and have a look at the wiki. * Andrei to activate Regional Facilitator accounts with appropriate access.