=====FUN PALACE 2018 Largest DNA ===== Knitting is a simple way to make complex things concrete - like one dimensional bottles and coral reefs, but what about DNA? ===Activity Details=== **Type** Drop in facilitated **Duration** All day drop in **# Deliveries** Using circular weaving/knitting loom collaboratively make The Largest DNA ===Learning Outcomes & Facilitator notes=== - **Fun fact** – DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid, a self-replicating material which is present in nearly all living organisms as the main constituent of chromosomes. It is the carrier of genetic information. - **Interesting fact for a child/teenager** – 1. There is enough DNA in the average person’s body to stretch from the sun to Pluto and back — 17 times - **Interesting fact for an Adult** - One of the greatest scientific breakthroughs ever for law enforcement agencies was the discovery of DNA analysis. This relatively new science allows police to catch a criminal from evidence as small as a human hair. Informative text gives readers a basic understanding of DNA and how forensic analysts can examine criminal evidence and create a genetic chain that leads to the perpetrator : EBook – SLQ http://onesearch.slq.qld.gov.au/primo-explore/fulldisplay?docid=slq_alma21226775080002061&context=L&vid=SLQ&search_scope=SLQ_PCI_EBSCO&lang=en_US - Image - http://onesearch.slq.qld.gov.au/primo-explore/fulldisplay?docid=slq_digitool1019353&context=L&vid=SLQ&search_scope=SLQ_PCI_EBSCO&tab=all&lang=en_US this is a picture of a sculpture made for Expo 88 - Paradigm was constructed in stainless steel and towered over the Expo 88 site at 30 metres high. It was based on the double helix of the DNA molecule. During Expo 88, Paradigm housed 66 aeroplane landing lights that created a mesmerising night-time display. Paradigm was the world’s first sculpture to be designed with the aid of a computer, and the world’s first to have a computerised lighting system installed. You can NOW find a small piece of this sculpture at the entrance to SLQ, very close to the book shop. ===Session Plan=== You can download it here: {{ :engagement:fun_palace_2018:program:dna_weaving.docx |}} {{:engagement:fun_palace_2018:program:dna1.png?800|}} {{:engagement:fun_palace_2018:program:dna2.png?800|}} {{:engagement:fun_palace_2018:program:dna3.png?800|}} {{:engagement:fun_palace_2018:program:dna4.png?800|}} {{:engagement:fun_palace_2018:program:dna5.png?800|}} {{:engagement:fun_palace_2018:program:dna6.png?800|}} {{:engagement:fun_palace_2018:program:dna7.png?800|}} {{:engagement:fun_palace_2018:program:dna8.png?800|}} {{:engagement:fun_palace_2018:program:dna9.png?800|}} {{:engagement:fun_palace_2018:program:dna10.png?800|}} {{:engagement:fun_palace_2018:program:dna11.png?800|}} ===Materials Req=== Lots of thick wool 2 circular cardboard loom structures (Jo will make these and spray paint them) 4 colours of zip ties ===Reflections Learnings=== This activity was set up in the auditorium at The Edge with some chairs to sit in around the activity. The chairs were a way for people to be able to sit for awhile and make dna and chat as well as to create it's own space so as not to bleed into the other areas (as there were 5 other activities happening in the space). The chairs worked well, the DNA was great. The only thing was that it did not grow as big as was expected. It did not become the largest DNA. The following would have helped to make it more visible and interacted in much more (as there really was so much going on in the auditorium) - A large sign that was interesting and had crochet around on it - some kind of structure that the DNA could be presented onto (this was an initial idea that was thought of but dropped) and seen - Suggested ways for getting more people involved at once in making the DNA. For example: one person weaving one person holding it up and one person being able to wrap and present it on the structure. Then swapping around. ====Gallery====