=====FUN PALACE 2018 Ozobot workshop===== ===Activity Details=== Ozobots are miniature robots (small enough to fit on a fifty cent coin) designed for children of all ages to learn basic coding in a fun and easy way. With over 25 unique code commands to control Ozobot's speed, decision-making and behavior - the possibilities of having fun are just a marker away. Come have some fun and draw pathways for the Ozobots using colours to code different movements and behaviours. **Type** Facilitated **Duration** 30min **# Deliveries** 4 ===Activity Criteria=== * FUN * hands on * low maintenance * low cost but not throw away * takeaway * mix of Art and science * mix of Hyper-local and International * family friendly * introduces new ideas or a new hobby * Sustainable * Replicable in other communities * Showcases State Library resources * Social Media Shareable * Accessible * Capacity Building * Promotes one library approach ===Learning Outcomes & Facilitator notes=== ===Session Plan=== ===Materials Req=== ===Equipment Req=== ===Files=== ===Reflections Learnings=== ====Gallery====