=====Event Communications Resources ===== This page is where copy and images can be placed for use in pre- and post-event communications ==== Activity Descriptions ==== | ^ Activity Title ^ Description ^ | | The Cardboard Claw - (4x30min AM) | Grab some attention with this robot claw that works using the science of hydraulics, made with syringes, paper fasteners and zip ties. | | | Ozobots - (8x30min 10:00 - 3:30) | Ozobots are miniature robots (small enough to fit on a fifty cent coin) designed for children of all ages to learn basic coding in a fun and easy way. With over 25 unique code commands to control Ozobot's speed, decision-making and behavior - the possibilities of having fun are just a marker away.\\ Come have some fun and draw pathways for the Ozobots using colours to code different movements and behaviours. | | | 3D printed Beads and Talismans - (4x30min AM) | designing for 3d printing in Tinkercad | | | Vibrabots- (4x30min AM) | Make a wriggling, jiggling see-through bug from pre-cut parts and a simple circuit. Decorate or race - your choice! | | | DIY laptop maintenance (4x30min AM) | We void warranties and you save money when an expert helps you discover how to replace batteries, add RAM or change a hard drive . | | | Marshmallow catapults (4x30min AM) | Playing with food is even more fun when you add some skewers and rubber bands - but how many tries will you take to hit the target? | | | Microscope activities | Take a peek into the seething jungle of life that teems invisibly in every pond and creek and learn how a microscope can reveal the world around you, one slice at a time. | | | Vacuum Former Sandcastles - (3x30min PM) | Choose from a selection of shapes to make take-home sand play moulds from recycled milk bottles using a mini-vacuum former. | | | Sticky Memes - (4x30min AM) | Make a vinyl wall sticker of your favourite meme. | | | Make a scratch game | | | | Fear of Small Screens - (3x30min PM) | Make a horror movie trailer on a smart phone. | | | //My name is...// Laser Cutter Name Badges - (4x30min AM) | Watch the laser cutter in action as it makes your own personalized badge using our pre-cut design. | | | Precious Plastics - (3x30min PM) | Domestic scale plastic recycling has come to The Edge. Feed our shredder and learn what you can do with this precious resource. | | | Pram-Parking Valet Service - (10:00 - 4:00) | Bringing a pram? no need to worry... the clowns dedicated staff in our friendly pram-park valet service will be there to help you find some parking for your wheels. | | | Steampunk LED - (4x30min AM) | Cogs, a motor and a clever electronic circuit are put together to turn your finger power into light.. | | | Non Newtonian Fluid - (20min 10:00 - 3:30) | Is it a fluid or is it a solid? It all depends. Play with custard's weird cousin and take home the recipe. | | | Quiver augmented reality experience | Transform your colouring in and learn local Aboriginal animal names through AR. | | | Wind Tunnel Testing - (5x20min PM) | The Quiver App combines physical colouring with state of the art augmented reality technology to bring you and your children an extraordinarily magical experience. | | | Chiladni Table- seeing the patterns in sound | What does sound look like? Learn about the physic of sound by experimenting with acoustic plates. | | | Flubber | Make and play with slime and then turn it into a bouncy ball! | | | Intergalactic cubby building with Enginbear - (10:00 - 3:30) | During this drop in session children will become the engineers that lead the imagining and building of cubbies on an alternate planet. \\ As the engineers you will need to consider the elements (dust storms, heat, wind) when building and choosing materials. | | | DNA Crochet DNA - (10:00 - 3:30) | Knitting is a simple way to make complex things concrete - like one dimensional bottles and coral reefs, but what about DNA? | | | Lets Dance | An energetic dance workshop to get you moving and grooving with friends. Together we will learn, research and create a dance piece to perform at the end. | | | Water Bomb Painting - (20min AM) | Do you fancy yourself as a bit of an abstract impressionist? Or do you just like throwing things? This could be the painting workshop for you. | | | Build your own State Library in Minecraft | Calling all Minecraft builders - help us turn State Library into the space you want it to be!\\ We have virtualised all 5 levels of State Library within the Minecraft world and now it’s your turn to work with other Minecraft engineers to extend, shape and repurpose the inside (and outside) of the State Library building into your whatever your wildest dreams are.\\ Come down and show us your creativity and engineering skills and most of all, have some fun. | | | Thermocolour T-shirts | Print your own design on a t-shirt with inks that change colour with temperature and join the 80s fashion revival. Bring your own shirt or have a rummage in our op-shop selection. | | | Scratch yourself (Beatz) | Classic analogue hip hop DJ skills meet the super-handy benefits of digital DJ controllers so you can manipulate your own recorded samples. Record your own voice (or other sound) then have fun messing with it using a DJ controller modelled off a classic vinyl platter interface. | | | Percussion workshop with The School of Hard Knocks | | | | Vox Pop Doc workshop | Learn how to use a professional camera and how to conduct interviews. | | | Battle Bot Championship | Have you got what it takes to be crowned the Inaugural Galactic Champion of Battle Bots. Build your bot and test your skill in the Battle Bot Arena. The winner will walk away with a super awesome trophy. | | | Dance class | An energetic dance workshop to get you moving and grooving with friends. Together we will learn, research and create a dance piece to perform at the end. | | | | | ==== Marketing/Media Assets ==== Below is a table of marketing material we think we will need for the Fun Palace. The digital files can also be located on the O: Drive in the Fun Palace Folder ^ Asset Name ^ Digital and/or Physical ^ Status ^ | Fun Palace Poster | Both | Use from previous year, Comms might have digital file for printing | | Signage Templates | Both | | | | | | | | | |