======Code-a-pillar Obstacle Course====== //Activity developed by [[https://www.grc.qld.gov.au/residents/libraries/goondiwindi-library|Goondiwindi Library]]//\\ \\ ====Details==== | **Age group** | Prep to Year 2 (ages 5 to 7) | | **Method** | Small group (4 children) activity | | **Participant to facilitator ratio** | 4:1 | | **Duration** | 1 hour | ====Aim/Key Learning==== Program a Code-a-pillar to navigate around an obstacle course. * Develop critical thinking and problem solving skills * Prediction skills * Teamwork skills \\ ====Preparation and Materials Required==== * Book Training space * Order Code-A-Pillar * Ensure Code-A-Pillar is working * No more than two objects for obstacle course * Round start and finish markers or paper, pen and scissors to make your own \\ =====Activity Steps===== ====1. Construction of Obstacle Course==== **Time:** 5 mins\\ Place the Green Arrow Start marker where you want it, then the two objects and then the Red Finish marker.\\ \\ When constructing the obstacle course keep in mind that the Code-a-pillar moves about 1 metre when going straight and about 30cm when turning.\\ \\ ====2. Introduction==== **Time:** 10 mins\\ Introduce yourself, participants introduce themselves, cover any housekeeping. Cover basic group rules such as working together, being respectful and taking turns. Explain the aim of the workshop (above – //'Today we are going to program a Code-A-Pillar to move around the obstacle course and finishing on the red finish marker'//).\\ \\ Show the participants how to program the Code-A-Pillar. Conduct a Brief demonstration of the Code-A-Pillar navigating through the obstacle course (//However don't complete it!//)\\ \\ ====3. Experiment and Explore==== **Time:** 40 mins\\ Participants take turns to program the Code-A-Pillar to navigate the obstacle course. When the Code-A-Pillar makes a wrong move or runs into something, coordinator should clear the previous programming commands and place the Code-A-Pillar at the start for the next participant.\\ \\ ====4. Evaluation and Closing==== **Time:** 5 mins\\ At the end of the session, ask for volunteers to share their learnings or how they found the session. Thank everyone for their participation and team work.\\ \\ {{section>digital_literacy:clippings#activity_feedback}} ~~NOTOC~~